Welcome all moms who love chic timeless style while giving their children all the resources to grow and learn from. Follow me as a mom, as a fashionista, as a person that takes pride in their health and mind and follow me as a friend!!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Good Morning!!!  One thing I am going to share weekly are workout tips that I have learned and found to be successful as well as healthy meals etc...Before I found out that we were expecting our third baby, I was dedicated to working out with a trainer and started the process to become a Group Fitness Instructor...becoming to focus on getting my ceritification to be an instructor I read, spoke to other instructors and really absorbed so much information that I hold on to.  Even being almost 5 months pregnant, I still go to the gym daily and push myself ( just with a few motifications)...so I will share some of my favorites with you and hope that you find them helpful as well. I will continue getting my certification once I have my little man in June. I absolutely can not wait!!!

Tip of the Day:
Common mistake: Rounding your upper back and pushing your hips too high into the air.

Picture this: Imagine your back is like a tabletop. You should be able to place tea cups on that imaginary tabletop without them tumbling to the floor.
(Tip provided by: Amanda Vogel Active Voice Writing Service)

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