Welcome all moms who love chic timeless style while giving their children all the resources to grow and learn from. Follow me as a mom, as a fashionista, as a person that takes pride in their health and mind and follow me as a friend!!!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Let's be realistic here. You wont drop two jean sizes in one day. You wont lose 50lbs in one month. Your going to binge every now and then. You will go a day or two without working out. Your weight is going to fluctuate here and there. You're going to try new techniques, and they are not going to work. You're a human being! You're going to fail. But nothing great is ever accomplished without a few obstacles. So JUST KEEP GOING!  It's a Lifestyle, so train like there is NO FINISH LINE!
When you look in the mirror and see no change, and still keep faith, knowing that in time you will get there if you stay focused and on track, that's the differenc between those who succeed and those who fail.

Live a Healthy Lifestyle ~ Start Today~

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